Globalisation & Sustainability of Rights

Key Words & Key Texts


1.    Accumulation by dispossession 28.  Land Acquisition Act (1894)
2.    Alter-globalisation 29.  Lok Adalat ( People’s Courts)
3.    Biological Diversity Act of 2002 30 Official Secrets Act (1923)(SPB)
4.    Brisbane Declaration: Freedom of Information,
       The Right to Know(SPB)
31 Outsourcing
5.    Campaign for Survival and Dignity(CSD) 32 Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan(MKSS)
6.    Central Information Commission(SPB) 33 Minimum Wage Act
7.    Circular Migration(Swati) 34 National Campaign for Peoples’ Right to Information (NCPRI)
8.    Common Property Resource 35.  National Environment Policy – 2004
9.    Contract Labour 36.  New International Economic Order
10.  Corporate Social Responsibility 37.  New Social Movements
11.  Customary Laws 38.  Neo-liberalisation
12.  Customary rights 39.  Post-fordism
13.  Decent Work Agenda(Swati) 40 Primitive Accumulation
14.  Digital Divide 41 Private Property
15.  Empire 42 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation of
       forests (REDD)
16.  Feminisation of Work 43 Right to Information
17.  Forest Conservation Act (Madhuresh) 44 Special Economic Zone Act 2005 (SEZ)
18.  Flexibilisation 45.  Structural Adjustment Programme
19.  Fordism 46.  State of Exception
20.  Forest Rights Act 47.  Sustainable Development
21.  Forum of Forest peoples and Forest Workers
      (NFFPFW) (Madhuresh)
48.  Transnational Corporations
22.  Free Trade Zone 49.  Tipping Points
23.  Global Imperialism 50.  The Unorganised Workers' Social Security Act 2008
24.  Informalisation 51.  There is no alternative (TINA)
25.  International Labour Organisation(ILO) (Swati) 52.  World Summit on the Information Society( Geneva 2003-
       Tunis 2005) (SPB)
26.  Jan Sunvais 53.  Wild Life (Protection) Act as amended in 2006
27.  Joint Forest Management  




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@2009 Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group