Research and Programmes

The aim of the research programme focusing on socioeconomic impact of research in partitions, borders, displacement, migration, conflict, peace, governance, democracy, autonomy, and social justice, with particular attention to gender, class, environment, labour, minorities, and rights.




Now the Calcutta Research Group is working on Refugees and Migrants: Issues of Protection, Rights and Justice

Areas of Research


Partitions, Borders, Displacement, and Migration

CRG Studies the historical evolution of the state practice of asylum and protection. CRG has stressed the need for new policies at the national and international level for the protection of people in situations of protracted displacement.

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Governance, Democracy, Autonomy, and Social Justice

CRG's work on constitutional, legal and popular aspects of the Indian framework of autonomy has earned widespread recognition. Through case studies and legal and political analysis, CRG addresses the gap between governmental forms of autonomy and popular expectations.  CRG's works on social justice has added a new dimension to the field of democracy study.

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Conflict and Peace Studies

CRG has pioneered peace research with a strong policy orientation towards conflict resolution. Its findings are published as the South Asian Peace Studies series by Sage Publications. It has also initiated a series of peace Dialogues and studies on women in peace politic and developed a peace audit method through such exercise. CRG is currently engaged in research on governance, conflict and peace-building in Bihar and the Northeast of India. 

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Calcutta Research Group's work has been recognised in many ways:
Topped a list of 'Centres with Potential' in a report prepared for Research Councils, UK by India Foundation For The Arts, Bangalore, 2010
Received special mention by the Special Representative of the UN Security General in his report submitted to the UN Human Rights Council, 2008
"Centre of Excellence" in Migration Studies by Government of Finland, 2005-07
Recommendation of publication of work deemed "rich in historical and analytical rigor" by ICSSR, 2013




Social and Political Mapping of Popular Movements, Logistical Vision and Infrastructure of India

A Three Year Research Project on Popular Movements in Bihar and West Bengal (2016-2018)

To Understand Different Components and Profile of Expansion of Logistical Spaces/Visions of Look East Policy for East and North East India and South East Asia (2016-2018)

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Rohingyas in India: Birth of a Stateless Community

From the end of the Cold War, forced migration (involving refugee flows, internal displacement, forced migration of women and children, migration in the wake of human rights violations, natural calamities, and humanitarian disasters, statelessness, illegal immigration of vulnerable people, victims of border violence and militarisation of borders, and trafficking in sex and labour) has emerged as a major phenomenon in the world.

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